
Post date: 2009/8/28 下午 02:29:28

近來一篇登在 "The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).新英格蘭雜誌上的文章,再度引起學界的討論!


In "Exposure to Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation from Medical Imaging Procedures," Reza Fazel, M.D., M.Sc., and colleagues reported that imaging procedures are a key source of ionizing radiation exposure in the U.S. and that repeat exams can result in high cumulative doses of radiation.

就在醫界對醫用輻射暴露關注的同時,美國國家衛生研究單位也要求未來新採購的電腦斷層 (CT) 或是正子掃描/電腦斷層儀 (PET/CT) 設備,須能夠記錄病患在檢查過程中所接受的輻射劑量!

The Radiology and Imaging Sciences at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center recently announced computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET)/CT equipment purchased by the Clinical Center will be required to routinely record radiation dose exposure in a patient's hospital-based electronic medical record.

維護病患在就醫時的輻射安全是 放射科系醫師 ,以及 醫學物理師 (medical physics) 的重要工作,目前國內醫放科系雖暫無醫學物理師的認證學程,但不少學校(例如長庚大學),也已經著手設計相關學程,以因應未來職場的需求,相信不久未來,醫院會有更多的專才 (包括醫學物理師) 的投入,一起守護病患的安全 ! 而目前,本科雖無醫學物理師的編制,但有資深的 輻射防護師 參與輻防作業,也會持續對病患,以及環境的輻射安全盡力把關 !

原文參考 | HealthTech Wire